Remembering Jeremy Lin and why NY (and the world) love him… (Videos)

Dear Fellow Lin Ladies and Gentlemen,

I almost didn’t do a post tonight because I was feeling kind of emotional…nothing bad happened, it’s just one of those days where you take a look down memory lane and wonder about what if’s and if it could have been you and you realize that you are only getting older and time doesn’t stand still. Anyways…Jeremy has signed a contract with KFC and did a photo shoot which he looks really good in …but I just wasn’t in a fan girl mood to do a spazzy post. (Don’t worry, I should be feeling up to my fangirl self tomorrow and will have them up for everyone. 🙂 )

Tonight I just wanted to reflect on Jeremy Lin and the impact he has made on everyone…the Asian fan base… the Knicks and their fans…basketball in general. I know I joked about the “The Jeremy Lin Effect” and how it makes your heart skip beats because he was so good looking and charming. But obviously there is more to Jeremy than just his looks. There is more to Jeremy than just the way he plays basketball. He represents something that I can barely put into words. He represents hope, he represents love, he represents endurance, he represents forgiveness, he represents respect…and I could go on and on.

He gives little boys and girls a reason to believe that they too could one day grow up to be whatever they dreamed. It doesn’t matter their race, where their parents are from, or their status. He shows people that if you don’t give up, that endurance really does pay off. He is loved by so many because he in turn loves us. He actually watches and responds to YouTube videos from little kids, he sends out messages to a fan who has cancer, he never forgets to thank his fans for supporting him. He forgives reporters and commentators for racial remarks and other ill inspired sentiments. He respects his teammates enough to shower them with compliments when the spotlight was on him and he refuses to say anything negative about anyone.  He visits underprivileged children, he has his own non-profit organization, he speaks at churches, and he is a superstar that is not blinded by his own light.

He has stated over and over again that he doesn’t play basketball for himself…he plays basketball for God. Regardless of your religious affiliation, I think everyone can agree that his spirituality has transcended basketball and is reflected in how this amazing man carries himself and in how he lives his life. He inspires men, women, children, athletes, politicians, dreamers, and many more….to believe in themselves and to do better. We are living in a world full of negatives, but Jeremy represents the positive. Even though we have never met him, he is who we turn to when we need a laugh, or a smile, or a break from work, or a reason to continue pushing forward. Many people say that he put life back into basketball…I think he put a spark of life back into the goodness of humanity. Because of him it is “cool” to be nice again. Despite all that he is and all that he represents, he has somehow maintained his humbleness and his shy smile.

This my friends is the real Jeremy Lin effect.

I posted 3 videos that I have received from readers (thank you soo much!!) which I personally believe showcase the effect he has on others and why we love him so much. I’m sure you may have already seen them, but they are so touching, it doesn’t hurt to see them again.

Thank you for supporting Jeremy and thank you for supporting my blog. Much love and goodnight from North Carolina!!



About ksoranna

Ksoranna is the ideal version of myself. She is me...but better...smarter...funnier...sexier...
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85 Responses to Remembering Jeremy Lin and why NY (and the world) love him… (Videos)

  1. You know I love you, right, K?

    This article is spot-on. This is why I am a huge LinLady. Without him, I would not be communicating with admirable Ladies like you and the others you have gathered here – the Jeremy Lin Side-effect.

    BTW, I was crying over the first video… bawling!

    • ksoranna says:

      I love you too C!!! ohh…the Jeremy Lin side-effect is another great tag!!! and yes…Jeremy has even given me friends and a way for me to release stress by blogging and has even inspired me to write again. If I ever met him, I don’t know how I could ever thank him enough! And I was already emotional when watching the first it gave me an excuse to cry!!

    • Rubielyn says:

      me too 😦

  2. John Cavetti says:

    Absolutely superb, K…!
    After watching that kid’s -what is it called- remix? I had tears in my eyes, Fauxy was crying, and now you have made a list of Jeremy’s attributes….
    There is some kind of problem here. We know how to live life by 10 simple little rules…and even there we could get by with less…but for some reason just very recently, like 10 or 20 years there are no good people anywhere doing or saying good things. When the helicopters quit flying in Saigon, the word was that Ford had said, “Well, we can’t save them all.”
    But l know it when I see it, and I recognize it when I hear it, and I will follow, with your hard work and assistance, the good and the right and the casual and the fun, even if it’s a baby boy with a basketball who is leading. (Who may have a weird thing for pigtails.)

    Love you, Babe

    • ksoranna says:

      thank you and love you too Ken!! Jeremy has no idea the influence he has over others…especially to move people to create videos that inspiring!! And if pigtails are what he loves…then hey, I will rock pigtails when I meet him lol!

  3. cavettij says:

    It appears we were all writing the same thing at the same time…

  4. ic says:

    K, thanks for the great post!
    Jeremy has exhibited some of the best qualities as a human being, the qualities that have been neglected or even spurned by so many for a long time.
    I have to say that NBA games look so different with or without Jeremy Lin on the court.
    He does not mean to set a style but he does, so naturally.
    There are still people who are not blessed to be able to appreciate the precious qualities Jeremy shows to the world, they even disdain, jeer at that. That’s why religion has to be there all the time to carry on the mission of exhorting and educating people. This is a mission has never been accomplished, and we witness Jeremy Lin, a classic youngman, embraced by those love him and also hurt by those hate him.

    • ksoranna says:

      you are soo welcome ic! I agree with you…I know he is not perfect b/c no one is, but he has not exhibited any flaws that I can tell. No wonder Volvo and KFC (and I’m sure other companies) want him as a spokesperson. And you are right…it is so weird that I feel this way about a man I’ve never met, but I honestly do feel angry when I hear and read about others who insult and hate him…especially when he has done nothing to deserve their harsh words!

  5. Cath says:

    Very nicely put. Good night, from Bay Area California.

    • cavettij says:

      You saw that he’s using Jeremy at the underprivileged school for his lead in?
      Then comparing that with $75,000 in NBA fines for Knicks players? And Kidd’s DWI?
      And Jeremy consoling Naim…telling him there are a lot of good players on the Knicks?

      I saw a comment, if I can remember it: Lin is a high scoring point guard who motivates his team, lives his religious convictions, is young with upside, and is the all-time fan favorite; he didn’t fit in.

      • ic says:

        Cav, I guess the writer is just like me, he actually does not expect any answer from the Knicks as there cannot be a real one. Actually we already knew the answer as released by their badmouthed players and the indecent ESPN guy A. Smith. It’s sarcastic to put those polarized things together and finalized with Jeremy’s words that “there’s a lot of really good players on the team still”. That was the only thing Jeremy could console a 5-year kid though good players may not be decent human beings.
        If his nomadic 2011 hurt him, Jeremy must now know that his free agency hurt him more. And he must know that this is only a beginning as there are vultures all around awaiting to terminate him. I feel heavy only thinking about this. But Jeremy may only be motivated by all these. He is too unique that a mediocre person like me may not fbe able to eel how he feels.

    • Cath says:

      Dolan has no respect for the fanbase. Unfortunately, most Knicks fans are willing to accept that…see Spike Lee. *mckayla moroney face* + *shrug*

      • cavettij says:

        McKyla Moroney face….Gees, Cath…(I don’t know precisely what to do here (funny faces, appropriate initials,.. emotion is hard to do with neither ‘facial expression’ nor ‘vocal inflection” available) so I’ll just say, “Im cracking up!!!)

        [“caramel machiatto”…the electricity could go off and you wouldn’t know it.]
        I lived on Scott and ~Green st for a couple of years. Love that town.

      • Cath says:

        LOL @cavettij I was just going to use the shrug but I’ve always wanted to use the McKayla Moroney meme (eversince she made that face at the Oly), I finally saw my chance. But you’re right, we need to shorten that meme to a… emoticon.

        Working the night shift and trying to stay awake for 12 hours makes me a little loopy. Infused with caffeine, I’m done for.

        I have a love affair with the Bay Area, can’t seem to move out of here even if I try. Not as bad as Knicks fans though. Bay Area has been very good to me. (I feel I’m going to get clobbered by Knicks fans pretty soon, bracing myself.)

      • Not all Knicks fans are like Spike Lee – coming from a Knicks fan! LOL

        There are many who really feel let down, disappointed, disillisioned and disgusted by all the stuff said about Jeremy after the Front Office did not re-sign him. When certain fans come with personal remarks about Jeremy, I shoot them down right away – they should not malign someone who’s had nothing but positive thinsg to say about his former team.

        Jeremy will learn from all the experience – he’d been doing it all his life, right?

      • cavettij says:

        Can you help me out? I can’t do emoticons. As I understand it, I type a series of keys: colon, hyphen, closed paren…and the computer ‘sees’ this as an emoticon and prints a ‘smiley face’. right?
        I use either google v21 or IE 9 (?) or Firefox on a Pavilion dv7 HP laptop and I get nothing.

      • cavettij says:

        Have you seen Howard Beck’s NY Times piece above? the times comments are unbelievably kind. I don’t know whether he filtered them or not, but a man-on-the-street interview had 58% cursing Jeremy.

      • Cath says:

        @cavettij Hmmm, that is weird. Normally, I just put a colon and close parenthesis and that gets me a smiley face. 🙂

      • cavettij says:

        OK. so I have the technique and my expectation are right. what’s wrong? Am I the only one using Google? How about Chrome? I don’t think so. Everyone talks about goggleing and googleing …

      • cavettij says:

        Cath, Fauxy,
        I’m going to bed (Ha! I’m going to turn off the light.) because it’s noon in Copenhagen and that’s my bedtime.
        Love you guys.

      • Cath says:

        Goodnight Copenhagen. Goodnight cavettij! Sleep tight… 😀

    • hyca7316 says:

      a reader (Jaxine) provided this pretty good vid:

  6. ic says:

    Spike Lee talkes about Jeremy on CNN interview:

    It seems Spike Lee feels in Dolan’s shoe. I think that’s good that Jeremy finally unloads this huge fan and no need to be his “my man” anymore.

    • cavettij says:

      Two things strike me about this interview: No.1; he’s stupid. Fumbling around with his half witted description of the negotiations…he’s either being disingenuous or has paid no attention to the daily, detailed, repetitive discriptions of the procedurre.
      No.2: He was given gifts of jeremy’s old jersey’s, Harvard, Palo Alto, which he wore proudly, cheering, leaping to his feet, time after time…he shared in the ‘winning team’ and the first ‘playoffs’ in years, broken NBA and Knicks record after record,…now he’s forgotten all that.
      He’s a poor example of a human being and then, he uses Tyson Chandler as a threat, the guy that Jeremy took from 7-9 ppg to 13-14? and DPOY AND highest FG avg in the league…he expects Tyson to hurt Jeremy given the opportunity implying that his attitude is not only valid but shared. What a vacant moral piece of crap.

    • ksoranna says:

      this video made me soo mad! “I’m over it now”—really Spike Lee, then you weren’t a real fan to began with!!! Ken is right…Spike was given priceless gifts of Jeremy’s old Jerseys…he even introduced him at the Webby award ceremony….and b/c Jeremy decided to go with the ONLY team who even gave him an offer, Spike Lee suddenly forgets why he began cheering for Jeremy in the first place!!! Ken said it best “What a vacant moral piece of crap.”

  7. cece says:

    I just can’t stop laughing at 3:00 on the 2nd video. “Houston, Houston, You got a problem.” Who would know Houston’s gonna be alright now? LOL

    • New York has a problem – they have to prove that the “vets” they chose over the young ones are capable of lifting up the team. Houston is young and re-building. LOL

      • cavettij says:

        @faux-And we know that New York has a problem building chemistry (check the early record-2011) TVinterview: “Why is this so much fun?” JLin: “Because these guys want to be a team!”
        That was the bench he was talking about and they’re all gone including Kenny Atkinson. Now, the ‘chemistry’ may have gone to Houston.

      • Cath says:

        Just wish that the Rockets got to Atkinson first before he went to the Hawks. Their assistant coach left as well. Coincidentally, the Rockets gave Atkinson his first coaching job too. He would have had fun in Houston, all they have are youngsters.

    • ksoranna says:

      LOL…cece, i had to go back to the 2nd video too. Ironic how quickly things have changed. I kinda wish they would go back and interview those same pple and see what how they feel about losing Lin now.

  8. Sherry says:

    Ddear ksoranna,

    Thank you so much for the post – well said! He is much more than an Asian-American basketball player and he said his identify is in Christ and he would like to reach the full potentials of glorifying God. That is the true value of this person.

    Here is a link of Jeremy Lin’s testimony did a year ago. I love it and hope you enjoy it.


    Best wishes from east side of US.


    • Thanks for this, Sherry!
      He is an inspiration.

    • Cath says:

      I do believe he has found his calling after his ball playing is done. He will make a very effective pastor with all the real life, first hand experiences he could attest to and share. There is really nothing he couldn’t do with hard work, perseverance and belief in his faith. Hearing him talk, I felt like I just attended mass. 😀

      A wonderful weekend to you all!
      From West Side of US of A

    • ksoranna says:

      @Sherry…thanks for sharing this video with us! Also another beautifully done testimonial and I loved the background soundtrack. Now I am thinking of doing a post just on Jeremy’s testimonials and faith videos.

      @Cath…I agree with you. Jeremy has repeatedly said that he wants to be a pastor after basketball and I really think that he has a gift for public speaking and for inspiring others. I can just imagine how moving each of his services would be.

      • Sherry says:

        Thansk Ksoranna. I like your great idea and looking forward to see all new posts.
        No doubt, he is a great inspritional preacher both on and off court. The glorious way he plays basketball preaches on the court. The way he cares others preaches off the court.
        Thanks again for all your hard work! Ks. Much love and appreciations!

      • ksoranna says:

        @Sherry…thanks for reading and joining in the conversation. Me and the other Lin Ladies welcome you 🙂

  9. ic says:

    The Houston commentator Tom Firme said something negative about Lin, but I want you to read the fantastic comments from a particular reader ” nephelauxteic” as posted below (so you don’t need to search his araticle).

    Let me point out some of your ideas:

    “Lin is a flash-in-a-pan player who’s cashing in on the six-game outburst that made him a sensation in February”

    “His shooting isn’t that good overall. Aside from the six-game outburst, he shot 40 percent from the field.”

    – The six games of linsanity were the games where he scored the most points by any NBA player in his first 6 starts if I’m not mistaken. I’ll give you this, he didn’t repeat the 25 ppg and 8 apg averages. Just to remind you that no POINT GUARD IN THE LEAGUE averages those numbers not even chris Paul, Rondo, Williams, Westbrook and rose ; I mean none of them. I don’t know how you personally define a flash-in-a-pan but for me it is a player that is good for a couple of games. Ok, it is debatable whether he deserves the the 25 million or not but that is not point here. You sound like he didn’t do anything else after the 7 game winning streak. You claim that he shot 40 percent from the field after that 6-game outburst. Let me ask you this, Did you watch the games against Dallas, Pacers, Cavaliers, Bucks, Spurs? In those games, I’m pretty sure he shot much better than 40%. Although he didn’t sustain his linsanity numbers (I doubt that even the best point guards could sustain those numbers) , he didn’t disappear, he didn’t become irrelevant , so calling him a flash in a pan is inaccurate. He could have sucked after a terrible game against the heat. You know what he did, he scored 19 points and dished out 13 assists in the next game against the No. 1 pick Kyrie Irving. Yes they are different teams but you cannot just disregard the fact that the kid can still play. He only struggled against the top defensive teams so naturally a young point guard is still learning the game of basketball. Just to add,he scored 19 points against the pacers once despite only attempting 10 shots. So, that’s efficiency for you my friend.
    That is the problem with most “analysts”, they cherrypick . You disregarded the games after his historic run? He still posted some 20 point, 18 , 19 , 17 point performances you know. Or is that irrelevant to you? Were those numbers for a backup? If you claim those are backup numbers then maybe he’s a great backup maybe like Ginobli and Harden.

    – Overall, he shot 44.6 %. Its not the best ; maybe above average efficiency.
    Again, this Field goal percentage is your basis in your saying he’s a backup. Let me give you some interesting data:

    Rose: 43.5 %
    Conley: 43.3 %
    Holiday: 43.2 %
    Anthony: 43 % (37% before feb 4)
    Nelson: 42.7 %
    Wall: 42.3 %
    Jennings: 41.8 % (first time in his career that is above 40%)
    Lowry: 40.9% (See, yet people deny the facts and cherry pick)
    Deron Williams: 40.7% ( Mr 98 Million in 5 years shoots like an MVP!)
    Felton: 40.7% (the self-proclaimed best PG is lights out )
    Billups: 36.4 % (so using your reasoning, billups is a backup, right? Its even below Jeremy’s 40%)
    Rubio: 35.7% (Why is no one claiming he’s a backup yet Lin is a backup shooting 44.6 %? This is a 8.9 % difference people. Open our eyes)

    Another thing, he’s 18th in the league in assists and 13th in assists per 48 minutes. So, a backup is so good in creating shots for others?
    While the so called shot creator dragic only managed to average 9.6 assists per 48 minutes. How interesting. A backup dishing out more assists than a star.
    ” Signing Lin instead of Goran Dragic was a mistake.”
    “Dragic is a true creator. Filling in for Kyle Lowry late in the year, Dragic averaged 18 points and 8.4 assists per game.”

    – Those averages for Dragic were during the latter part of the season when he started in the game. Ok, that’s good for him and you claim he’s a “true creator”. But I’m going to ask you , who is the guy that averaged 18 points and 7.7 assists per game during his first 25 starts? Let me think for a while. Who?Who?Who? I think his name is Jeremy Lin! Correct, very good.

    So now, you called dragic a true creator and Lin a flash in a pan? Yet, they seem to give you the same numbers except that Lin average more turnovers. I could really see the contradiction in your article my friend. It seems to me that a 0.7 assist difference is that much a big deal to you. Please explain your statements!

    By the way there are a lot of people claiming Dragic > Lin (even some Rockets fans).

    Let me state some background info about the two:

    Dragic – He actually played in pro basketball since he was 17. He played in Europe or something for 4-5 years. So, he got a lot of experience. Also, he played 2 and fraction of a season as a Suns. He also got the luxury to learn form Steve nash for those 2 and a half seasons. He played with him during practice, he got some playoff experience and so I expect he got a lot of new things from nash.

    Lin – Last season was his 2nd season. He spent most of his rookie season in the d-league and the end of the bench. Also, who did he learn from? Curry?
    I don’t think so since Curry was just a sophomore when Lin was a rookie. Ellis? He’s not even a point guard. So obviously, he’s in a disadvantage compared to Dragic. Going to the knicks last season, he didn’t have any training camp so he has no experience playing with his teammates maybe except for a month of practice in the whole month of January. Compared to Dragic, Lin went from zero (or near zero experience) to 40+ minutes per game while facilitating 90% of their offense. He was not even prepared for that but he did that in the best way any player could have. He broke all-time records. oh yeah, by the way, he was placed (or should I say forced) into a TOXIC situation. Do you recall the Knicks situation last season. They were 8-15. That record does not even tell the whole story. They’ve lost 8 straight and 11 of their last 13. they even lost to the bobcats in their home floor. Even the knicks fanatic Stephen A Smith said that the Knicks made Brandon Jennings look like the second-coming of Michael Jordan. Please, watch them before that feb 4. They were really atrocious. They have zero chemistry. Their crowds were booing them. But then this so called ” flash-in-a-pan” or “marginal” player you are referring to did what the superstars (20 million) could do. yes the same guy that was cut twice, the guy that was not given a chance in Golden State since his incompetent coach would rather play Acie Law (who is this guy? and where is he now?) than this undrafted asian kid.

    – He even made jared jeffries scored consistently. Before Lin played significant minutes, he couldn’t even finish a layup but as soon as Lin arrived, he was hitting mid-range shots, he was finishing inside shots.

    I’m going to stop here. Your welcome to criticize any player but at least, at least try to pride yourself of a quality article that doesn’t contain weak arguments.Please back up your arguments better next time, it may help your career as a writer. I also know that the writers here in B/R are given awards for having written a frequently read and commented article. So, this is a favor from me for you.

    • ksoranna says:

      ic …wow, wow!!! I didn’t even care to read the stupid article from the bleacher report…I am sure it was just as misguided as the person who responded pointed out. But this reader “nephelauxteic” on the other hand — his comment is right on the mark! He articulated perfectly why all of Jeremy’s haters are simply WRONG! Watching highlights is one thing…but reading the statistics and seeing it compared to other “superstars” is another thing. The numbers don’t lie…Jeremy is definitely not a “flash in the pan” and I don’t know how his haters can deny his ability to play and as an untrained and inexperienced player…this makes his numbers even more impressive. So glad this reader put that Bleacher Report writing in his place!!

      • J says:

        K, the stupid author of who wrote that stupid article got totally smashed by the readers
        nephelauxetic, who wrote the comment quote by ic is getting the most “likes”. The author, on the other hand, get ZERO “like” when he tried to reply to his readers’ comments, every time, he just got more slaps on his face, pathetic.

      • cavettij says:

        J, ic,
        The number of likes on neph’s article has been changed from 45 to 2.

      • J says:

        No worries Ken. The readers want to voice out loud, now nephelauxetic got 74 Likes 😉

  10. Turtlek says:

    K, I just read this article now and it really moved me. You have completely summarized all my feelings into this. Jeremy is such a positive source of energy for me and reminded me that things doesn’t have to be how it is now, that I don’t need to be so ‘jaded’ about humanity, and also things I want to give back to society. As you said he makes us believe in the goodness of humanity and inspires us. At times like this I’m really thankful that he is ‘in’ my life as well as you Lin ladies 🙂

    • ksoranna says:

      aww thanks turtlek!! I think what I said is the same sentiment shared by most/all of jeremy’s fans! He really is a like a ray of hope, no matter how cliche that sounds! And I am thankful for “having” Jeremy to give me smiles at the end of the night and for bringing people like you into my life! 🙂

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