The Jeremy Lin Effect (Pics that didn’t show on my previous post and extras)


I decided to just do another post, in case the other one was being over loaded with pics. I also got these pics from a secondary source since sometimes the Chinese sites don’t convert or are not compatible with some networks. Please let me know if these are not showing!

#7 the turned up collar, pouty lip


#14 the serious swag look

#19 the one that made me catch my breath and thank Volvo a thousand times

Some Extras that I didn’t post yesterday…just because I love all my readers 🙂

Backstage pass…

I seriously can’t get enough of that side profile!

….or this smile!!

Please stop the teasing!!!

I really want to be that ball!!




About ksoranna

Ksoranna is the ideal version of myself. She is me...but better...smarter...funnier...sexier...
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32 Responses to The Jeremy Lin Effect (Pics that didn’t show on my previous post and extras)

  1. cavettij says:

    Everything looks great. I downloaded by changing from ‘htm’ to ‘html’ page, then used ‘print screen’ to a .png file. Worked fine. b/c i have no idea how WordPress works. They actually expect one to read ‘instructions’!!!! can you imagiine? (I’ve been building my own comp. since the 386’s.)
    *i don’t know how ‘follower’ works, whether or not you are notified. I did a thing on the ‘Lin Gene’ and dumped it into MY BLOG (I’m so proud).

    • ksoranna says:

      really?! ok i will check it out. I am a follower so I am supposed to be notified of your new posts but I ddnt get any notifications…hmmmm?! can you put the link to your Lin Gene here please?

      • cavettij says:

        Hon, these are really fairly insignificant. I’ve been doing this sort of thing for as long as you’ve been around. They allow me to consolidate my thoughts and…require me to complete the idea. I’m pleased that you and J complement me so profusely but they are pretty well dead ends. The thing I like about them is their originality. I’ve solved some problems or stated some problems in terms never considered before and for that, I value them. And I realize they are fairly useless. Thanks for your interest

  2. cavettij says:

    He was not specifically ‘checking out’ the two chicks with the birthday cake. He couldn’t believe they were taller than he was. How did they do that? 10 iinch heels?

  3. Cath says:

    K, how could I ever thank you???!!! Thank you a gazillion times!

    See that red volvo picture, the bottom one? It’s saying, “Hi K, need a lift?”

    • ksoranna says:

      LOL…you are soo welcome! so I am guessing you finally see all that u missed out on!! Glad the pics worked! And yes i agree, he’s asking me for a lift…in my dreams, HAHA!

      • Cath says:

        Yeah, better go to bed or you might miss that ride. 😀

      • Turtlek says:

        @Cath Ooooh the double entendre of that XDDD (no I’m not always dirty minded)

      • Cath says:

        @TurtleK OMG, I did not even realize that one. LMAO!!!

      • mlin says:

        Oh Linladies, get your minds out of the gutter…[me too.] haha

        Hugs K, 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • J says:

        I literally LOL’ed SOOO LOUD!
        My fellow Lin Ladies are super humorous! Love you all & Ken *wink*
        Gorgeous Jeremy, so heart melting gorgeous! His side profile is so perfect, I totally lost my sense of time when I look at his pictures!
        I think I am so lack of vocabularies to describe how I feel about Jeremy… (*v*) <– me spazzing out

      • ksoranna says:

        HAHAHA!!! ALL of you are sooo funny!!! I feel better instantly after a stressful when I look at Jeremy’s pictures and when I read these comments. Just hilarious!!! (and naughty!!)

  4. mlin says:

    From the talent show

  5. J says:

    The KFC basketball ambassador presscon:

    • John Cavetti says:

      Wow…………………The real power behind it is that it’s all true………

      • ksoranna says:

        what part Ken?? can anyone translate for me please???

      • cavettij says:

        WordPress screwup. (Note the ‘John Cavetti’ name) comment is supposed to be above with the ‘Identity’ video.
        By the way, there is a ‘Tactile Glove’ offered for sale with aircraft games or something. Can rubbing noses be far behind?

      • ksoranna says:

        oh ok Ken…I was thinking you learned Chinese along the way LOL… and the way technology is growing and advancing…I would not be surprised if rubbing noses became a possibility in the future, among other intimate things.

        • John Cavetti says:

          *gasp* We hardly know each other…
          But I am concerned about my ‘han’ characters. ‘Lin Shu Hao’ is not coming out the same every time. I thought the translation was ‘new’ han but it’s often ‘old’ han…and the TV at 18:38? Where they’re talking about who he’s going to play? That’s old han. ic was talking about skipping a generation in reading ‘old’ han? Not if it’s still on the tv screen….what?
          (You should consider this only if your mind is completely blank and you haven’t another thought with which to occupy your mind.)

      • cavettij says:

        *occupy your ‘beautiful’ mind.)

        • ksoranna says:

          LOL…thanks for correcting that to my “beautiful” mind haha! I’ve never really noticed the han symbols b/c I didn’t need to pay attention to them…so no idea how to lessen your confusion there. and yes…it’s after midnight here and I’ve had a long day…so maybe too much for me to try to comprehend right now. Good night!

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