The Jeremy Lin Effect (Pics)

You know that overwhelming feeling… that light headed… heat rising…heart skipping…gasping from multiple squeals…feeling you get when you see pictures of Jeremy Lin that are just too hot to handle –> it’s called the Jeremy Lin Effect. Your head is telling you that you are being irrational…that you are too old to be a spazzy fangirl…but you can’t help it. You ignore your head and follow your addiction…which if you are reading this blog, is probably Jeremy Lin. He is like a drug…every morning and every night, you need your fix. I hope these pics hold you over until your next high.


This is me…everyday…because of the Jeremy Lin effect. And this will probably be you…when you see these delicious new pics. 🙂 Thanks to mlin, P, and J for helping to provide some of these pics!! And in case you couldn’t already tell…this is a 100% fangirl post!!

ARMS…ahhhh!!!! (I would do another ode to his arms but I seriously can’t think straight right now.)

I guess having a stick between your legs helps with the dribbling?? hmm…Jeremy can make anything sexy.

 These cut out shirts he keeps wearing are the biggest tease ever!! I guess it’s equivalent to a girl wearing a sports bra and no shirt on.

OMG…OMG…those arms!!! They look all slick and shiny like he just buttered them in baby oil. I don’t even care that he is wearing a pastel blue uniform.

Those freaking arms from the back…ahhh!!! I love this view…sooo hot!!

New Volvo Pics/Photo Shoot

What job field is this…where you get to dress and undress Jeremy Lin?! Where can I apply?! Why didn’t he undress in front of cameras so that we could have half naked pictures to spaz over?!

That turned up collar!!! Those full pouty lips!!! *dies*

If you have been following my blog for a while, you know sexy men in suits is my weakness. Actually the first time Jeremy was in a suit, I got so hot and bothered that it spurred me to start this blog. So right now I am doing mental cartwheels in my head…that’s how hot these suit pics are. Thank you Jeremy Lin for reading our minds!!

Sorry, I’m starring at his crotch. I don’t know why this pic draws my eyes to that part of his body. He should probably adjust his pants right there…just saying…

This suit fits him so well. Hands in pockets look = swag!

I am jealous of the ball in his lap. Jeremy, I also have round things that will fit nicely in your lap…figured I would put it out there, in case you were interested. 

That smile!!! *sighs*

The serious swag look!

OMG!!! Thank you to the person who told him to pose like this. The side view…the veins in his hands…the suit jacket tightly gripping his arms!!!

He has to know the effect he has on women! Look at that face as he is fixing his tie!!

Seriously?! Is her job to help Jeremy pose?! Why didn’t I think of going into this field?!

I don’t really know what kind of pose this is supposed to represent. I don’t really care. I love his long, graceful finger…thank you, Jeremy, for showcasing them to us.

This. Is. Just. To. Much. For. Me. To. Handle. I. Can’t. Even. Begin. To. Spaz…OMG…

Volvo, you will see an increase in sales with Jeremy as your spokesperson. I guarantee it. I don’t even care what the rest of the car looks like, the man in the driver seat is sexy as hell, and that is enough for me. I want!!!!!

About ksoranna

Ksoranna is the ideal version of myself. She is me...but better...smarter...funnier...sexier...
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46 Responses to The Jeremy Lin Effect (Pics)

  1. So what is it that causes the Jeremy Lin Effect? Even on married women like me?
    It is the whole Jeremy Lin package – his looks, his smile, his humility, humor, intelligence, compassion for others, his love for his family, his values and beliefs…
    We are so DOOMED!

    • ksoranna says:

      If I knew what caused it, then maybe I could figure out a cure…but I am helpless to its effects and I have no idea how to deal besides spazzing out. He is the TOTAL package!!! And he is so humble…he doesn’t even know he’s the total package. I am doomed for sure!

      • penny says:

        i don’t wanna be cured!!! that’s crazy talk i wanna be high on this ALL the time..*deep breathes* so i can remain calm and somewhat sane…dislike so so much

        • ksoranna says:

          yea i agree w/P!! I am happy all the time now…Jeremy and Lin Ladies are the cause for me smiling all day and having sweet dreams. Why would I want to change that?!

      • Cath says:

        I would offer my company’s services to sequence the gene that causes this but only if you really want a cure. 99.99% accuracy in deciphering a genome. 😉

        Read your Ode To His Arms poem, very cute! And you have every right to admire his arms. The pictures of the deltoids that I never paid much attention to (because I am an Abs girl myself) are very, very well defined. I agree with Fauxscandinavian, he affects women of all ages even married ones. Just ask my almost 3 year old. She absolutely loves his little Roscoe’s chicken rendition. She gets a kick out of it, she asks me to “do it again mommy”.

        I think I’m going to have to view this blog again at work where they have PCs. Some pictures are not displaying on my Mac.

        • ksoranna says:

          LOL cath!!! Now I am really wondering if all Lin Ladies carry a common gene that make us so susceptible to Jeremy’s charms. And i love his abs too…well I love his body, so no surprise there! And glad you enjoyed my poem 🙂 I hope my blog and these pics will help you through your 12 hr shift at work!!

    • Turtlek says:

      Haha….. Even married women with children are susceptible to this!! I have already read several women confessing to this…. one dragged her husband and son with her to fangirl…. and another pretended it was for her daughter’s sake and didn’t tell her husband! Lol!

  2. Rubielyn says:

    same here @cath, some of the pics are not displaying or cannot be viewed 😦

  3. BTW, my nine-year old looked at a picture of him yesterday and said “He’s cute!”
    Dang, Jeremy…

  4. mlin says:


  5. ksoranna says:

    Ladies…are ALL of the pics not showing?? Which ones are not working (just give me the picture # order)?? I am going to try to find replacements for the links that don’t show. I don’t know why they show for some readers and not others…sorry! I will fix this as soon as I can…so everyone can feel my joy at seeing his hotness!

  6. Pingback: Remembering Jeremy Lin and why NY (and the world) love him… (Videos) | Confessions of a Jeremy Lin Addict

  7. Pingback: Rockets v. Spurs FULL GAME and Jeremy Lin GQ Pics, Video and Article | Confessions of a Jeremy Lin Addict

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