Jeremy Lin on Jimmy Kimmel Live!!! (Video Clip)

Video Clip Here: 

Confession #21: I literally left class 2 hours early just to watch 5 minutes of Jeremy on the Jimmy Kimmel show…but it was worth it!!! Jeremy looks very happy and healthy. He looked so cute, I wanted to jump through the television and land in his living room. He was funny and for some reason couldn’t stop licking his lips (not that I am complaining). I kept hoping to see more of his place but I guess he purposely positioned the computer to not show anything revealing about his place (excuse my stalker type thoughts here). And I am soo glad he didn’t win!! He does not need any temptation to watch the Kardashians lol!

Soo glad for this much needed Jeremy fix!! The drought was starting to be unbearable!! Though now, my appetite is starting to be insatiable. Oh, the plight of a Lin Baby…soo glad I am not alone in this addiction!

Now I am about to watch the NBA playoffs…while “studying.” Cheering for Oklahoma City Thunder to win!! (Please let the home court advantage help them!!!)

Thanks to for these!! And yay…OKC won!!

LOL…this has got to be the cutest sequence of expressions!!

About ksoranna

Ksoranna is the ideal version of myself. She is me...but better...smarter...funnier...sexier...
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21 Responses to Jeremy Lin on Jimmy Kimmel Live!!! (Video Clip)

  1. Christianne says:

    So well worth the sleeplessness, K. 😉

    It’s such a welcome sight, yet a total addiction-enabling activity. Hope you get some sleep. TTYL.

  2. penny says:

    i’m glad that we all got our fix for today…girl you have done to the dark side and that’s not always a bad place to go to hehe

  3. ic says:

    Too late! The video is no longer available because Disney claims the copyright!

  4. Christianne says:

    You saw it! Happy to help.;-)

  5. jeremylinfan says:

    The last few pictures are sooo damn cute.
    When he chuckled and said “20 dollars”, I chuckled too!! LOL

    • ksoranna says:

      I know!! *sigh* he makes me laugh all the time! His smile is just gorgeous in these last pics!! And it was so funny b/c when Roy found out what the prize was, he kept shaking his head LOL!

  6. ic says:

    If you have not yet cast your vote, go the the following link to vote for Linsanity and Landry’s couch:
    K, go to the link below to see Jeremy’s tribute – Smiles

  7. jeremylinfan says:

    Thanks do much ic!!
    I watched it like three times before I went to bed last night! LOL

  8. ic says:

    It’s so nice to see the Knicks treating Jeremy like their real little brother. Just look at Tyson putting his arm on Jeremy’s shoulder and lowering his head to listen, and Landry patting Jeremy’s face, and Jefferies hugging him so hard after the games. Those tall guys like to pat and rub Jeremy’s head. All these give the viewers a very warm feeling! At this moment, I do hope Jeremy can continue to stay together with these Knicks.

    • ksoranna says:

      ic, thank you soooo much for that video link! I LOVED it soo much that I just had to include it on the last post I just did. I love all the “bromance” going on!! and I really hope Jeremy stays on the Knicks…but not just Jeremy. I want the whole team to stay the same (well at least the main players) because it will not be the same team we have grown to love, if there is no Jeremy, Landry, Novak, or Jeffries (the ones up for a new contract).

    • jeremylinfan says:

      ic, you somehow just wrote something I have said in different occasion! We have the same observation, or it’s just obvious not to have observed! LOL
      Anyway, I agree, all the tall guys just love to hug Jeremy, hold him a foot high in the air. Rub or kiss his head! One question though, isn’t Jeremy’s head all sweaty? LOL

      • ksoranna says:

        J…your comment about Jeremy’s sweaty head totally made me LOL!!! i mean…Jeremy’s hair is kinda short and spiky and that probably keeps his head from sweating so much lol! and i’m trying to remember…but sometimes asian men don’t sweat that much.

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